Our biggest advantage is our abundant quality factory resources and strong supply chain system compared to other single factories. We centralize and manage the best products, manufacturing bases, advanced technology, etc. to ensure the orderly and high-quality production of products, so that the integrated and integrated factory can make the most of its energy.
We are innovative, know the market and understand what is happening - and the trends about the near future. This will ensure the right timing and customer adoption of the concept. Every month, IEGOSTORE introduces hundreds of new products to the market.
Our company is governed by the internationally recognized ISO 9001 standard for Quality Management Systems, so we are accredited for quality control inspection of ISO9001, CNAS, AQSIQ etc. Inspecting the quality of the goods before boarding in China is essential if we want to avoid surprises. We ensure that all the parameters required by the customer will be complied and record all the links.
• Design dept search for trend
• brainstorm
• Sales dept search for product info
• Design dept provide design theme
• Sales dept work out first round inspiration recommendation
• Sales dept and purchase dept visit fty and pick samples
• Sales dept work out second round product recommendation
• Fty visit again after receving customer's design theme and inspiration
• Sales dept work out third round product recommendation
* We update new series every 2 months and we create 20 series every year.
Our advantage is that we are rich in high-quality factory resources and have a strong supply chain system compared with other single factories. We centrally manage the best products, manufacturing bases, and advanced technologies to ensure orderly and high-quality production of products, so that the integrated factory can give full play to its energy.